
Windsurfing is a highly fun, exciting and very popular water sport in the Canary Islands because of their ideal location on the Atlantic Ocean in between the trade winds.


The windsurf boards are light, fast and easy to handle – the interesting thing about this activity is actually learning to master the combination of waves and winds. This sport has gained much popularity around the world and passionate followers have discovered that the islands are one of the best places to enjoy it.

The professional team of Big Blue Company have been teaching windsurf for more than 30 years and offer a high quality service to their clients in the south of Gran Canaria. Paco and his instructors will ensure your safety at all times whilst you can live the unique experience of flying over the ocean.

The classes always start with some theory in form of an informative video and then you go out to the beaches of San Agustín and Playa del Hombre to practice guiding the sail on land and then on the water.

The school is completely adapted to your level and needs, offering fun excursions for beginners or experienced surfers in a 3-hour morning full of adrenaline and salt water.

If you are looking for a globally recognized certificate, here you can get the RYA (Royal Yacht Association) certification and you will receive all the necessary material and insurance for it.

Although it might seem difficult to practice at first, we assure you that this school knows how to design its activities in a way that you can fully enjoy this experience and spend one or several days with that exciting feeling of flying over the vast blue Atlantic.

Transfer included from the south areas: San Bartolomé – Puerto de Mogán

DURATION3 hours / day
All the necessary materials.
Professional Guide.
1 day of Windsurfing – 3 hours
2 days of Windsurfing – 6 hours
3 days of Windsurfing – 9 hours

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